Thursday, 14 February 2013

GMS Ecocare Cacao Soap + Herbal Vinegar Rinse

Hai Loves ...

Today, I wanna give a review about my current skincare. It's GMS Soap and Toner. I really love it because it's herbal natural organic skincare. You know, I have a sensitive oily skin with a lot of pimples, acne scar and redness, so I have a lot of expectations with this products since they said it's really natural ^.^
GMS (Green Mommy Shop) is a Local Brand From Indonesia (Home Industry).

And this is the products !!!! The packaging looks soooo cheap, right???

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Hada Labo Gokujyun For Dry-Normal Skin Review


Hai Loves ..

It's been a long time since I last wrote my blog. Almost 3 months, right?? I am soo lazy on my holiday time. I just lay down all day in my bed and doing nothing (actually I still watching some korean dramas to killing my time).

Okay now I am going to review Hada Labo Gokyujun Series (Facial Wash and Lotion/Toner). Hada Labo is one of best seller skincare product in Japan. They claimed this product sold 1 every 2 seconds in Japan. And I was like "reaallly"? Gimana cara ngitungnya yaa??LOL


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