Thursday, 14 February 2013

GMS Ecocare Cacao Soap + Herbal Vinegar Rinse

Hai Loves ...

Today, I wanna give a review about my current skincare. It's GMS Soap and Toner. I really love it because it's herbal natural organic skincare. You know, I have a sensitive oily skin with a lot of pimples, acne scar and redness, so I have a lot of expectations with this products since they said it's really natural ^.^
GMS (Green Mommy Shop) is a Local Brand From Indonesia (Home Industry).

And this is the products !!!! The packaging looks soooo cheap, right???

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Hada Labo Gokujyun For Dry-Normal Skin Review


Hai Loves ..

It's been a long time since I last wrote my blog. Almost 3 months, right?? I am soo lazy on my holiday time. I just lay down all day in my bed and doing nothing (actually I still watching some korean dramas to killing my time).

Okay now I am going to review Hada Labo Gokyujun Series (Facial Wash and Lotion/Toner). Hada Labo is one of best seller skincare product in Japan. They claimed this product sold 1 every 2 seconds in Japan. And I was like "reaallly"? Gimana cara ngitungnya yaa??LOL

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Skin Food Tea Tree Emulsion (for trouble skin) Review

Kayanya nggak perlu dijelasin lagi soal Brand asal Korea yang satu ini, Skin Food. Store nya sudah bertebaran di seluruh mall-mall Indonesia khususnya Jakarta. Bahkan di Pre Order Online Shop yang menjual produk-produk Korea mudah banget ditemui.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Bless Acne Liquid Foundation Review

Setelah cobain Bless Acne Cleansing Tonic, aku makin tertarik sama produk-produk lainnya keluaran Brand lokal ini. Walaupun percobaan tonernya bikin wajahku agak breakout. Huhu :( 

Tapi aku tetep penasaran kira-kira ada nggak produk Bless yang cocok di aku. Kenapa penasaran, mungkin karena harganya murah kali ya jadi kalo ada yang cocok kan lumayan juga di kantong ^.^

Okay, kita langsung aja ya !!

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Bless Acne Cleansing Tonic Review

Akhir-akhir ini di wajahku muncul banyak sekali jerawat kecil-kecil plus komedo karena nggak cocok sama obat dan paket perawatan yang dikasih oleh salah satu dokter kulit. Setelah cukup lama googling dan baca-baca review di FemaleDaily akhirnya aku mutusin untuk beli Bless Acne Cleansing Tonic.


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